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Get to know me

I unofficially started Honey & Thistle Photography ​in 2018 at 15 years old. I begged and pleaded with ​my peers to let me give them a photoshoot. Now, ​five years later, with events, corporate headshots, ​families, senior portraits, and more under my belt, I ​am aiming to create art that encapsulates ​individuality, boldness, and each subject’s unique ​aura. My priority is helping people and brands ​capture their most authentic style.

“I like to photograph anyone before ​they know what their best angles ​are.”

~ Ellen Von Unwerth

My Work

Portrait # 1

An audition headshot for a dancer

Portrait # 2

A drag artist headshot

Portrait # 3

A senior portrait in a coffee shop

Event ​Collection

Event # 1

Dr​ag Brunch Event

Event # 2

PPGA Fashion Show

Event # 3

Burlesque Club Pe​rformance

Family Sessions

Family # 1

A happy family photo

Family # 2

A portrait of siblings

Family # 3

Friends and Family at a wedding

Organic lines
Organic lines
